How to Book

Booking Process Illustration
  1. Click on the booking page
  2. Fill in the pickup address
  3. Enter the delivery address
  4. Choose pickup date and time
  5. Select delivery date and time
  6. Pick your package size
  7. Describe your package contents
  8. Enter pickup phone number
  9. Provide delivery phone number
  10. Choose payment method
  11. Opt for urgent delivery if needed
  12. Review the estimated price
  13. Double-check all information
  14. Make Payment To the Company Account only
  15. Click 'Create Booking'
  16. Wait for success message or fix errors

NOTICE!!!: Your Booking is only valid after Payment. Send proof of payment to our Whatapp Number!

Tip: You can save your progress and come back later. Your information will be there when you return!